At Serenity Station we look at health care in a very different way that those of Western Medicine do! It is my feeling that you are the only one on this planet that can make you well. It is all up to you, not just in your actions but in your thoughts. The body is a wonderfully engineered machine with the ability to self correct any dysfunction. You just have to provide all the tools for it to do so. When we put forth positive images of what we want in our own lives....that is just what you will get, so to if you are negative in your thoughts. When illness or stress enters into our lives, it is only natural for you to think...Why Me? At this point I have to say to you...STOP IT!. You deserve to be happy and healthy, but you have to allow yourself to be. With all that we do, say and feel we need to put forth what we want to get back. I know that most of you have heard the old adage, that what you put out you will get back in three fold.....just to inform is an old adage because it still holds true.
It is all up to you. Now is your time to be well. Take a day just for you, get a massage, have a facial, and see in yourself what I know is there.....happiness, joy and well being. ENJOY!
Thank you,
K Carey, LMT