I would like to take some time to vent to the world on the treatment of holistic health care providers. We as a group are a very sensitive group of people. We take it upon ourself to care for the masses and how are we treated for that.....not very well. When you have a appointment with a therapist you need to keep in mind the the provider has taken time out of their day just for you. They do not have time to sit on the phone with you as you drive to the office to make sure that you are at the office in a timely fashion. They do their best to send out confirmation e-mails and phone calls to confirm your appointment. One would never think that if you were to have an appointment with a surgical team that they would be able to hold your appointment open for over 15 minutes when you are late, nor would they be willing to change another patients time slot for you. Then why is it the you would expect that from your holistic provider.
Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Natural Paths, Spiritual Healers, Doctors, etc. we are all here to provide you with the very best in health care. When you are looking for treatment you want to be treated with the highest level of skill, professionalism, and most of all kindness and compassion. This to is what you should be giving back to your provider. We are here for you, we care about you, but when we are looked upon as if we do not matter it really effects us on a very deep level.
Holistic Health care is a calling for most, and we work based very much on emotion. Please remember the kindness breeds kindness.
We are taught as we grow that you should do on to others as you would have them do on to you. So let us keep that in mind when it comes to those who's lot in life is to take care of others. We providers are the ones that are in direct contact with you when you are in need. So be kind to those who are only trying to help you.